tracing - definição. O que é tracing. Significado, conceito
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O que (quem) é tracing - definição

Curve tracing; Tracing (disambiguation)

¦ noun
1. a copy of a drawing, map, etc. made by tracing.
2. a faint or delicate mark or pattern.
3. another term for trace1 (in sense 3).
Copy (of a drawing on tracing-paper).
·noun A regular path or track; a course.
II. Tracing · & ·vb.n. of Trace.
III. Tracing ·noun The act of one who traces; especially, the act of copying by marking on thin paper, or other transparent substance, the lines of a pattern placed beneath; also, the copy thus producted.



Tracing may refer to:

Exemplos de pronúncia para tracing
1. points onto tracing paper.
Quench Your Own Thirst _ Jim Koch _ Talks at Google
2. on contact tracing.
Taiwan's Global Contributions _ Audrey Tang _ Talks at Google
3. and contact tracing functionality.
Ken Kimmell _ Lessons from the COVID Crisis for the Climate Crisis _ Talks at Google
4. So we've used isotope tracing
5. paper or a tracing paper.
Dream Gardens _ Leonie Cornelius _ Talks at Google
Exemplos do corpo de texto para tracing
1. TRACING: The United States has the world‘s best tracing mechanism and a proven record of cooperation with others, being one of 42 countries to work actively in the tracing of SA/LW.
2. The unnamed council said it did most tracing in–house but referred more difficult cases to a tracing agent on a no trace–no fee basis.
3. My own experience in tracing my American side of the family mirrored many aspects of Americans tracing their ‘old country‘ backgrounds.
4. By tracing the phone, Italian police pinpointed Hussain‘s location.
5. Tracing the thematic threads of 20th–century American art.